It Will Always Be About People!

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Every interaction with anyone anywhere was an opportunity to gain additional perspective. We are all human at the core, and it can be easy to lose sight of that in a world ruled by business, politics, and social status. These words are from the book Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, CEO of These words rang so true in a recent opportunity we created to engage with our Facebook following.
Leading up to the airing of our most recent build for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, we launched a contest on Facebook to promote interaction with our fans/followers. The idea was given to us by our partners at New Marketing Labs and we decided to award one person an iPad for the most interesting and thought provoking question about our involvement with the television show or any of the builds we participated in. We received so many great questions and it truly was a difficult task in choosing one as the best. I wanted to share this story as it really showed me that we as a brand have the opportunity to touch so many people in so many ways. Here is the winning question and response from our President/CEO Sal Ferro. Take a moment to watch and then read on for how this story unfolds. Extreme Makeover Question When we contacted Terri she was so happy and thrilled to be chosen and couldn’t say enough great things about Alure as a company. We also came to find out that her husband Robert volunteered on the Lutz project and at one time was a window installer for Alure. Terri also proceeded to share her life story and how this great news came at such a great time for her. Here is her response to us via direct message on Facebook, this should give you a better idea of what her family has gone through: HELLO – ALURE TEAM – I wanted to say Thank You very much for the iPad!!! It was so exciting & a big surprise when I found out my question was chosen…;-)!!! I also just want to tell you guys a little about how our family came to love watching The Alure Crew on all these wonderful episodes of EMHE. For the past 3 years our family of 6 has been homeless and living in emergency housing here in Suffolk County due to my medical disability which happened during my last pregnancy and has rendered me completely housebound except for hospitalizations & mostly confined to a bed. Very difficult for a Mom of three who was a nurse for 20 years however, we just recently were so happy to be able to manage to move into a rental on our own again just around the time of the Lutz Family build!!!!! During the past 3 years EMHE has been our family’s Sunday bonding time. We eat dinner early and the kids make ice cream sundaes to enjoy while watching the show together. Every episode we cry our eyes out – just like the rest of America (especially with an Alure build) – and every episode we come away with new hope that.. LIFE…..IS…..BEAUTIFUL….. and it is because of people like SAL FERRO and the ALURE TEAM. There are a few very special people you will come across in life who ignite wildfires when their passion for a cause comes directly from their soul – SAL FERRO as you guys surely know IS one of them!! Who would ever think that the building and decorating of a house (even if given as a donation) could teach a person so much in the “spirit” department!! Thank You Mr. Ferro & the Alure Team for LIGHTING UP our hearts!!! A big special thank you to another awesome part of the Alure Team, “J.D.” Thanks for your hard work on the Alure Facebook page. We all appreciate the daily interaction – it makes us feel like part of the TEAM…;-)! God Bless ALL your future endeavors!!! “AMERICA LOVES ALURE”!!…;-) – Terri Thomas Tupper We hear so much about how communication channels like Facebook and Twitter create the ability to connect with customers and potential customers and we as a brand get that. What this experience showed me is that no matter what the method of communicating may be, it will always be about the people!! Congratulations Terri, thank you for the wonderful question and thank you for sharing your story!

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