How To Change Your Light Switch To A Dimmer In 60 Seconds

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Would you love to change your light switch to a dimmer but don’t want to call an electrician just to come for that small job. Now you don’t need to. Watch Doug as he shows you how to change it out in this ‪#‎DIY‬ 60 second fix.

To replace a toggle switch with a dimmer switch.

1. Turn power off.

2. Take switch plate off.
(use a screwdriver)

3. Unscrew the switch and pull it out of the electrical box.

4. The dimmer switch comes with three wires, 2 black and 1 green wire.
-Remember green = ground.

5. If the wires coming out of the box are curled, take a needle nose and straighten them out.

6. Now connect wires, black to black and green to green, twisting them into a cap.
-It doesn’t matter which black goes to which one.

7. Use electrical tape to secure the wires and cap in place.

8. Put wires back into box, screw the dimmer switch into place and then put the plate back on.

Now you have a new dimmer switch!

Check back next week for another great 60 second fix from Doug!

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