Cost-effective Ways to Keep Your House Warm

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Keeping the house warm is one significant source of concern in the winter. One may feel extreme discomfort during the winter if you have not found a way to keep your home warm. This can either occur because your room is not heated enough, or the temperature regulation system is broken. Most of the common ways to heat a house, especially when it is a big house, are high on energy consumption. The implication of this is an increased consumption of electricity. Heating systems can also be quite expensive to acquire and may require professionals’ expertise to set-up and keep them running. However, keeping the house warm should be a lot easier, which is why we seek cheaper and easier alternatives to keep the house warm. Below are highly cost-effective ways in which you can keep your home warm when it is cold.

●        Use Curtains in Place of Window Blinds

Windows are essential in the house as a source of natural light and ventilation. Sunlight during the day can also serve as free heat.  During the winter, they are probably your most significant headache if opened because they allow cold air to enter the house freely. You cannot do away with windows because summer is just around the corner, but what you can do is manage them appropriately to ensure warmth during the winter. One way to achieve this is by choosing curtains over window blinds.

The use of heavy curtains during winter will help keep the rooms warm while light curtains are suitable during summer. Bulk curtains help regulate the amount of sunlight and cold air coming in and, consequently, help to keep the room at a regulated temperature.

●        Use Technological Solutions

There are technological solutions you may acquire to generate heat and regulate the internal temperature of your house. With these solutions, you can warm up your home and conserve a great deal of energy while doing so. The most common solution to use during winter is using a timer on the central heater and installing thermostatic radiators. You can minimize the energy consumption of a central heater by using timers on them. This way, you can set your heater running early at a lower temperature, which uses less power than running the heater at a higher temperature in a shorter while.

Thermostatic radiator valves can account for about a 40% reduction in energy consumption. It ensures you do not generate heat that you do not need. A thermostat is a device that detects the temperature of a place and helps to trigger actions that keep the temperature at a present level or the desired point. You can use a smart thermostat with Wi-fi and another smart assistant to achieve a desirable warm temperature.

It is interesting to note that you can also heat the house using a water heater. There are people who use their water heater to keep their house warm as well as heating tap water. However, this doesn’t work for all houses, it needs to be well sealed and well insulated. In addition, it is required that your water heater is efficient and new. No worries if you have an older one, you can
undertake a water heater replacement in no time and soon enough your house will be warmer.


●        Enhance the Distribution of Warmth

When using the air condition system, temperature regulation is a feature you can take advantage of in maintaining warmth in the house. However, you must ensure that fans and air conditioner positioning allow even distribution of cold or hot air around the room. The right set-up will prevent “too hot” or “too cold” spots that can arise from the concentration of hot or cold air. Your furniture and specific moveable structures in the house might also obstruct the free flow of air if not properly arranged. Position furniture correctly to permit an even flow of air and heat circulation in the house.

●      Get Great Fireplaces

Fireplaces are one of your cheapest alternatives for heat generation. When safely built and appropriately maintained, fireplaces help produce a considerable amount of heat, especially during winter. While choosing to use a fireplace, you should consider the amount of wood you will burn and safety maintenance. It would be best if you position your fireplace during construction, very far from inflammable objects.

You can also have an automated fireplace designed to respond to temperature changes to turn  off the fire when you have achieved the desired warmth, hence conserving fuel. Construct your fireplace with heat resistant materials and place them strategically to enhance easy heat distribution. Hiring general contractors can be a great help if you are not quite sure how to deal with all this. They will do all the necessary adjustments for your house to keep you warm at an affordable price.

In conclusion, you must have a system for heating your house. However, while constructing this, you should consider the ease of use and energy consumption. Why go for costly means of generating warmth when these cheaper options are available for you?


About The Author: Natalie Armstrong- is an architect – interior designer as well as a part-time content writer for different websites. She loves reading and travelling. She is an ambitious woman and a hard-worker. When she’s not writing, she’s usually baking up a storm or trying to find new ways to get inspired.
Photo by Jean-Philippe Delberghe on Unsplash

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