How to Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

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Doing your part to help the planet can start at home. There are likely changes that you can make around your home that will make your living space more environmentally friendly and less strenuous on the planet’s resources. Here are some of the best ways to make your home more environmentally friendly.

Save on Water Usage

The amount of water that you use can probably be reduced further to preserve more of this vital resource. Water-efficient faucets and toilets that are made to run at full capacity using less water can help cut down your water use and lower your water bill. There are also water-efficient appliances, such as dishwashers and washing machines for clothes, that can still do the job without having to use as much water. Another good idea is to place rain collection containers outside your home so that you can use the rainwater to perform certain household tasks, such as watering your garden or cleaning your car.

Have Your HVAC System Serviced

Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system might be using more energy than what’s required to run because of maintenance problems. If any parts of your system aren’t working correctly, other parts may start working harder so that your system can still run, which can require more power than what is usually necessary. Having any old or damaged parts fixed or replaced by a HVAC company  will allow your unit to run better without having to use as much power. Dirty and clogged vents and lines can also cause your system to run harder, and HVAC cleaning service should be performed periodically.

Improve Indoor Lighting Naturally

In addition to installing energy-efficient light fixtures and lightbulbs, you can improve your indoor lighting and save energy with the power of Mother Nature. As explains, simply opening windows and letting the sunshine in through glass doors and skylights can brighten up your home and make your living space look bigger. Having more mirrors that reflect the natural sunlight put up in your home can also give your interior more light. Another idea is to paint your home’s eaves white so that they reflect more light into your home.

Reduce Household Waste

Finding ways to reduce your household waste will mean less garbage in landfills and less pollution. Along with recycling bottles, cans, and paper, you can recycle batteries, ink cartridges, and even your old CD and DVD cases. Food scraps, used paper towels, and other types of household waste that are normally disposed of in the trash can instead be put into a compost bin to use as a soil fertilizer. To cut back on the number of food packages that you discard, try growing some of your own fruits and vegetables in a garden or by using containers for indoor growing.

Unplug Electronics When Not in Use

Leaving computers, TVs and other electronic devices plugged in all the time can cause you to use much more power than is necessary. When you’re not using electronic devices, consider unplugging them unless they’re recharging. Keeping devices plugged in when they’re on standby can actually drain much more power than when they are turned on for use. Unplugging your appliances will be an especially good idea when you go on vacation or any other time when you expect to be out of the home for an extended period.

Use Natural Pesticides

If pests are causing problems in your home or yard, it’s best to use natural pesticides to eliminate them instead of some of the store-bought products that contain toxic substances that are known to be harmful to the environment. A simple soap spray often makes a great insecticide. Neem oil, garlic, and diatomaceous are other items that can be effective at controlling bugs. A mixture of baking soda and sugar can put an end to a roach problem. Mice traps can be used to catch rodents, or you can try spraying some peppermint oil around areas of your home to prevent mice from coming onto your property.


Making your home a more environmentally place can be accomplished with a few simple changes. By making an effort to create a greener living space, you’ll help improve your lifestyle and the planet in more ways than you can likely imagine.

About The Author: Maggie graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations. 
Photo by Michael Marais on Unsplash

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