Home Safety & How These 3 Plumbing Pipe Materials Can Help

When it comes to safety within your own home, a lot of people focus on the maintenance and choice of fixtures. Other than just installation and regular cleaning, the overall safety of your home is also affected by choice of plumbing materials that you opt for when designing it. So, for all those who are either planning on building new homes or have an interest in reworking their household’s entire plumbing system, here are three plumbing pipe materials that can actually make your home into a safer place.
1. Copper pipes
Over the course of years, it was discovered that a lot of plumbing pipe materials are bad, which is why it was withdrawn from use. The best examples of this are asbestos and lead. The problem, however, lies in the fact that this has made some people suspicious of all old-school plumbing materials, even completely safe ones – like copper pipes. Copper is not prone to leaks; it’s durable; it does not pollute water and its heat tolerant. In other words, it can withstand everything that your plumbing system exposes it to. So, what are its drawbacks? Well, the main reason why so many people avoid it is that it’s incredibly expensive.
2. PVC (PVC)
The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping is one of the most commonly used plumbing options in the 21st century. Unlike copper pipes, it’s quite affordable. Still, it’s not completely safe for the transfer of drinking water, which is why it should be selectively used in some areas of the house. It is also resistant to rust and corrosion. It is incredibly simple to install and it’s quite versatile. This means that it can be installed and maintained properly even on a tight budget. Other than plumbing, it is also quite good for high-pressure applications and vent stacks.
3. Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)
In the previous section, we’ve mentioned that PVC is not exactly safe for drinking water. In regions where tap water is actually safe for drinking, this would be a major problem. This is where the advantages of CPVC come to attention. The extra chlorine can make the water in pipes safe for drinking. The installation and repair can be just as simple as with the standard PVC pipes, which makes maintenance a lot easier. With this system and reliable emergency plumber on speed dial, you can fix any problem with your plumbing in a matter of minutes.
Honorable mentions
While there are numerous other materials out there, the truth is that the above-listed three clearly seem like the winning combination. Galvanized steel, for instance, is heavy, rusts internally and is more likely to get clogged over the course of time. Stainless steel is even more expensive than copper, even though it’s quite formidable when considering some of its other features. Cast iron pipes are also great, provided that your home can support them. Unless you plan on building additional support to install them, they’re not really an option. The most traditional option is definitely copper but before installing it, you might want to check if it has lead alloy.
In conclusion
The cost of installation is a big issue on your remodeling or construction budget; however, you need to find an equation that will allow you to compare it with the cost of the subsequent maintenance. One of the most important things you need to keep in mind here is the fact that plumbing tends to be one of the elements of your household that endure stress and are in function every day. Therefore, every bit of advantage that you can secure for it might just go a long way.
About The Author: Ayla Anderson is an avid reader and an enthusiastic blogger who writes articles on home improvement, business, Family and beauty. She is also an MBA student who spends much of her time giving advice to newly small businesses on how to grow their businesses. You can follow me on Twitter.
Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels
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