My5 Tips For Selling Your Home

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If you’re looking to sell your home, your biggest concerns will naturally be the time your home is sitting on the market, and how you can get the most money for it.  But there are many cost-effective tips you can use to improve the appeal and overall value of your house when you decide to put that ‘For Sale’ sign up.

Sal Ferro, President and CEO of Alure Home Improvements, breaks down the top 5 things you can do to in order to sell your home the quickest, and for the most money!

Number one- Do it now! As the season changes and the sun starts breaking through, people become happier, and more apt to buy.

Number two- Improve the curb appeal of your house. You can make simple updates to the exterior of your home, without spending a fortune, and it can help add significant value.

Number three- In addition to improving the curb appeal of the house itself, it is equally as important to improve the landscape curb appeal.

Number four- The desire to see a well maintained home follows the outside of the home to the inside of the home. Updating the interior to be brighter will make it much more appealing. Again you do not have to spend a lot of money, and our craftsmen can help you with the perfect updates, no matter how big or small the project.

Number five- Get rid of any clutter you have lying around. There’s a term in real estate that less is more, so the less extra stuff you have, the better.

Watch our video to learn more about these five tips for selling your home, and opportunity will come knocking at your door! To learn more about Sal Ferro, visit us here, and visit here to learn more about the rest of the Alure team!


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