Home Office Ideas That Will Inspire Productivity

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If you’re new to working from home, you have certainly noticed how difficult it is to draw a line between work and home life, or work and leisure. If you add the circumstances under which you need to perform as usual, then the whole situation gets even more complicated. However, with only a few home office ideas, you can solve the riddle and create a work-from-home-life balance.

Simple but effective home office ideas for every space

Regardless of your job, you need a peaceful atmosphere to stay focused on your tasks. As if these uncertain times are not burdening us enough with numerous daily challenges, we also need to think about how to remain productive at home during the quarantine and give our best. Several simple home office ideas can help you boost your productivity but also inspire your creativity, increase your motivation, and improve your mood.

Designate the right space for your home office

If you wish to improve productivity, you need to ensure that your home office looks and feels like a workspace. Find a space that is quiet and not in everybody’s path. Then, remove all the distractions. If you’re surrounded with beds, sofas, lazy bags, bookshelves with your favorite books, or TVs and other devices you use in your free time, you will hardly resist the urge to procrastinate.

If you’re living with someone who also needs to work from home, consider working from the same room. Having company in your workspace isn’t always a distraction. You may find it easier to focus if someone is diligently working next to you. Sometimes, to boost your productivity, you need someone to challenge you. You can always use folding screens to divide the space between you if you can’t concentrate.

Declutter your office space as well as your mind

Once you set up a home office, keep it clean and orderly to retain productivity. Don’t fret about decluttering, though. It does look intimidating, as only once we start cleaning do we realize how much work there is to do. As you are likely to decide that some of your belongings are worth keeping, although currently excessive, consider packing them for storage.

If you feel overburdened with the demands of establishing a home office, know that there are tasks you can outsource to professionals from Divine Moving and Storage. Once you wipe the slate clean, you can easily apply home office ideas that best suit your work style.

Make your home office as attractive and comfortable as possible

Improvements in your home office interior don’t have to be big or expensive to be attractive and boost productivity. Many small changes can make a big difference in the overall look of your home. Colors are known to have a psychological effect on our mood and home decor relies on shades that are either relaxing or energizing. You know best which color makes you most productive, but note that the brightest colors in the palette are not always the best choice. Tone your color choices down a little to avoid being distracted or overstimulated.

Another important element of every office is the comfort, and you need to incorporate it in your home workspace. Ergonomic furniture will make you more productive and improve your health. Quality lighting that doesn’t produce a glare will keep you concentrated and protect your eyes. Even an occasional houseplant can inspire your productivity. The connection with nature should be an important component of our daily lives. It grounds and stimulates us at the same time, resulting in renewed focus and energy.

Store away excess furniture

Most people struggle with extra furniture even if they don’t have to designate a room or area for their home office. When the need for remote work arises, the excess of furniture often becomes painfully evident. Once you furnish your home office, take the remaining pieces to your self-storage unit. Simply, by using storage you will get more space and virtually expand your home.

Removing unnecessary furniture from your home allows you to use only the most practical pieces and implement the most useful home office ideas. Instead of bookshelves with your favorite literature, you can adorn your walls with paintings. They can help you rest your eyes but not for too long. Taking your eyes off-screen frequently is a simple way to boost your productivity. Setting up your workplace close to your window or balcony doors is also a good idea, especially if you have a nice view.

Bring the sunshine and fresh air in

The psychological effects of natural lighting and airflow are proven to boost not only your productivity but also your mood. Living and working in well-aerated spaces is healthier, too, as you constantly receive a fresh dose of oxygen. Under the circumstances imposed by the outbreak, every home office idea that improves the mood directly improves productivity. Remove heavy curtains and allow as much natural light into your home workspace.  Later in the day, make use of task lighting. Not only will you save on electricity, but it will help you focus on the task at hand.

A few bonus tips

Before you begin the conversion of your space to a home office, make sure to create a safe work environment by having the right tools and know-how. And, if necessary, don’t hesitate to ask professionals for help.

Remote work makes it is easy to fall into the trap of working non-stop and risk burnout. Take small breaks but ensure you designate time for leisure activities and relaxation after you finish your work. Set your boundaries when it comes to chatty friends, family members, or neighbors. Answer your messages during breaks and keep your phone on silent while you work. Finally, once you step away from your home office, leave your job behind.


About The Author: Maggie Gonzalez is a student of architecture and a blogger, mostly interested in green design and sustainable solutions in home construction and home decor. When she isn’t learning about it, she is writing about it.
Image by LEEROY Agency from Pixabay

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