How to Stay Safe from Severe Weather Conditions

Severe weather can feel terrifying, especially if you’re unprepared. Learning how to stay safe during severe weather is more than worthwhile. It’s an essential skill set. Here are a few things you can do to stay safe, regardless of the weather.
Seal Your Home Properly
Most of the time, severe weather means there’s going to be a lot of water. Flooding can be quite overwhelming. Plus, it can cause a ton of water damage to your home. So, we’d recommend installing a door bottom seal around your home. These prevent moisture from penetrating into the house. Plus, they’ll seal any drafts coming from the doors, too. As such, they’ll start reducing your utility bills right away. Plus, they’ll keep water out if there’s ever a bad storm.
Install Storm Shutters Over the Windows
The next biggest threat during severe weather would be flying debris. Stuff can easily shatter your windows if it’s flying through the air. That could lead to injuries. Shards of glass aren’t fun to clean up, either. And, you’ll have water entering through the broken windows. Installing storm shutters would be your best option. These close up over the windows when there’s bad weather. You don’t have to keep them closed all the time, either. Leave them open when the weather is nice. And, close them when it’s necessary.
Stay Indoors Until the Weather Clears
Don’t go outside when there’s a bad storm. Even standing outside your house isn’t going to be safe. Something could block the doors, preventing you from getting inside. Remain indoors until the weather has been clear for several hours. During some storms, there will be moments of relative calm. A lot of people venture out during these moments. Then, they’re hit by another wave of the storm. If possible, seek shelter in an emergency room. These protect you even during tornadoes. Otherwise, stay in a closet or bathroom, close to the home’s interior.
Get as Low to the Ground as Possible
While you’re inside, stay low to the ground. If the wind destroys the structure, you don’t want to be standing. Stay as low as possible during the entirety of the storm. You could keep a few sleeping bags in the room with you.
That way, you’ll be able to lay down without feeling uncomfortable. You might even fall asleep until the storm passes. Of course, keep the sleeping bags close to your shelter spot. Otherwise, they might be inaccessible when you actually need them.
Take Shelter if You’re Away From Home
Sometimes, it’s not possible to get home during a severe storm. You might be traveling for work. Or, the storm might’ve appeared out of nowhere. Regardless, there are a few things you can do. First, see if there’s a hotel nearby. Hotels tend to be great places to seek shelter. They’ll survive severe winds most of the time. Otherwise, see if there is a storm drain or ditch close to you. These can be dangerous when there’s a lot of rain. But, they’re the best thing you’ve got if you’re stuck out during a tornado.
Stock Up on Emergency Provisions
Finally, don’t get stuck without supplies. Stock up on nonperishables. That way, you’ll have something to eat if you’re stuck at home for longer than expected. Sometimes, floods can completely take out the roads. You might find that your home has been surrounded by an impenetrable moat after a storm. If that’s the case, you wouldn’t want to go on a fast. Stocking up on other supplies would be a good idea, too. Try to keep a hand-powered radio. That way, you can get updates on the weather situation. And, you might want to keep a couple of flashlights in your home as well. Make sure you’ve got plenty of batteries for them, too.
Staying Safe During Severe Weather
Severe weather tends to be something people don’t expect. Throughout our lives, we rarely encounter it. So, it’s not always on our minds. However, it’s still important for us to be prepared. Use the tips from this guide to make sure you’re ready if anything ever happens.
About The Author: Tracie Johnson is a New Jersey native and an alum of Penn State University. She is passionate about writing, reading, and living a healthy lifestyle. She feels happiest when around a campfire surrounded by friends, family, and her Dachshund named Rufus.
Photo by Gerhard from Pexels
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